

Radiotelegrafist och halvdansk
Någon här på forumet som kan upplysa mig i den rent fysiska skillnaden mellan en Y-kondensator och en vanlig kondensator?
Intressant fråga. Jag fann följande info (http://www.conis-bg.com/downloads_pdf/EMI and RFI filters/suppression capacitors.pdf)

Class X capacitors
Class X capacitors (X capacitors for short) are capacitors with an unlimited capacitance for use where their failure due to a short-circuit would not lead to the danger of an electric shock.

Class Y capacitors
Class Y capacitors (Y capacitors for short) are capacitors for an insulating voltage of U r.m.s =250 V with high electrical and mechanical reliability and limited capacitance.

The value of the Y capacitor is restricted by the permissible leakage current allowed. The maximum leakage current is governed by standards and regulations and depends upon the type of equipment

73 de Lars, sm6rpz
Tack Lars. Jag vet iofs VAR man brukar använda denna typ av konding, men i nte riktigt vad som är speciellt med dem. NU vet jag lite mer....